The LPG production process at Ouhua Energy can be categorised into the following four phases:
Arrival of shipment of raw materials
Large LPG ship tankers bearing supplies of propane and butane dock at our terminals every month. Thereafter, the quantity and quality of these shipments are assessed and certified by our officers and analysts. Such assessments are further supplemented by independent tests conducted by the district inspection and quarantine bureau before the shipments are accepted.
The propane and butane supplies are transported in the LPG ship tankers at low temperatures to preserve them in liquefied form and subsequently discharged into the production grounds through a high pressure transfer system.
The propane and butane are stored in separate refrigerated storage tanks in their liquid state. These storage tanks also have a condenser system, which condenses any LPG mixture, propane or butane that may have vapourised during storage and mixing, and channels them back into the tanks to minimise wastage.
Upon the customer’s request, the propane and butane are mixed according to the desired specifications for the required quantities of LPG. Odourant is added to the LPG as a safety feature to aid leakage detection, if the suppliers have not already done so.
Finally, the processed LPG is either discharged directly into ship tankers or into high pressure storage tanks for delivery by LPG trucks, depending on the mode of delivery required by our customers.

Our Production Facilities
As the PRC’s third-largest importer, processor and wholesaler of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Ouhua Energy boasts a sprawling production facility in the Long Wan Suo Cheng Town in Guangdong Province. Spanning across approximately 131,684 sqm of land area, the facility is equipped with port terminals that can berth large tankers of up to 50,000 tonnes in size, and an assortment of facilities that offer a combined LPG storage capacity of 124,000 cbm. To meet rising demand for its products, the Group has also expanded its annualised production capacity to 900,000 tonnes in end September 2006.