Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Liquefied petroleum gas, or “LPG”, is a generic name for a family of hydrocarbons such as propane, butane, ethane and pentane and their mixtures, which can be liquefied under moderate pressures and temperatures, and easily vapourised upon release of pressure. LPG, which comprises primarily of propane and butane, may be extracted either through the refining of crude oil, or more commonly, through the processing of natural gas.
Advantages of using LPG:
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Portability - LPG can be easily liquefied and stored in pressure containers. Hence, LPG can be conveniently transported in cylinders or tanks to end-users. It does not require a fixed-pipe network and will not deteriorate over time.
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Cleanliness - LPG burns cleanly and produces lower greenhouse gas emissions than any other fossil fuels. It is also non-toxic and will not contaminate soil or aquifers in the event of leakage.
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Efficiency - LPG is more efficient and therefore more cost-effective than traditional fuels, since a high proportion of its energy content is converted into heat.
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Convenience - LPG is a multi-purpose energy source and can be used in various applications from cooking to residential heating to air conditioning, ceramic production and alternative vehicular fuel.